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Herbs Americas Amazon Yacon Syrup Organic 11.5 OZ -TEMP UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $11.95
Yacon is a distant relative of the sunflower with edible tubers and leaves. Th syrup from this sweet root is raising eyebrows in the medical community and natural product world for its medicinal qualities. It contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which pass through the digestive track unmetabolized, providing few calories1. The sugars, however, are metabolized by the bifidobacteria in the large intestine and contribute to improved digestions and absorption of vitamins, such as B-complex. The undigested portion of yacon serves as prebiotic-food for ÒfriendlyÓ bacteria. Other benefits of FOS supplementation include increased production of beneficial short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, increased absorption of calcium and magnesium and improved elimination of toxic compounds. Preclinical studies indicate an increase in bone density after consumption of FOS. It may help diabetics regulate and normalize glucose levels in the blood due to its FOS content. It is considered hypoglycemic and holds promise as a sweetener for diabetics and others who choose not to consume sugar.

UPC: 838451007305

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