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PRICE: $25.97
• Easy and Convenient
• Take Anytime - Anywhere
• Increase Muscle Strength
• Enhances Recovery
• Increase Growth Hormone

As more and more scientific studies are completed, the more glutamine's role in muscle growth becomes apparent. Glutamine is usually taken in powder form mixed into water or added to a protein shake or flavored drink. However, you don't always have time to mix a drink. Even if it takes you just 5 minutes, when you are busy and on the go those 5 minutes may be impossible to spare. And with the studies showing glutamine's positive impact on elevating growth hormone, you want to be able to take it with no fuss - easy and convenient.

New GL3 Micronized Glutamine Capsules gives you the multifunctional, muscle-building power of pure glutamine in and ultra-convenient capsule form. One thing I've learned from over 20 years of weight training and researching and developing cutting edge sports nutrition supplements is that there is a balance between convenience and effectiveness. This new micronized glutamine capsule strikes the perfect balance. It gives you the simple convenience of a take anywhere- anytime capsule while maintaining all the potent muscle-building effects that micronized glutamine delivers. There is no compromise.

UPC: 705077002680

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