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Deva Vegan 1-A-Day Multi 90 tab
PRICE: $8.44
Get the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs with  DEVA Vegan Multivitamin. Balanced, multiple vitamin and mineral formula enriched with special herbs especially formulated for vegans / vegetarians. DEVA Nutrition is pleased to offer this high potency, balanced multiple vitamin and mineral especially formulated for the unique nutritional needs of vegans and vegetarians. DEVA Vegan Multivitamin put more emphasis on vitamin B-12  and iron because vegetarians and vegans are more likely to be deficient in B-12 and iron.

Each oblong shaped tablet measures a 13/16" long by 5/16" wide. Tablets are well coated with vegetable glaze for easy swallowing.

     DEVA Vegan Multivitamin is 100% animal free, certified VEGAN by the Vegan Society, and guaranteed for purity, freshness and labeled potency. DEVA Vegan Multivitamin is an exceptional quality multivitamin that combines 1-per-day convenience with its reasonable cost.  Each bottle can last up to 3 months making DEVA Vegan Multivitamin very affordable at this special price. Remember DEVA Multivitamin is 100% vegan, vegetarian and is certified by the Vegan Society, the non-profit organization that actually invented the word "vegan". 

UPC: 895634000027

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