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Dynamic Health Sure Sight, Liquid (Plastic Bottle) 8oz
PRICE: $11.99

Dynamic-Health Laboratories'ª Sure Sightª can help to maintain Vision & eye health through its unique blend of ingredients essential in maintaining eyesight and cellular health and longevity. This dynamic formula is based on clinically tested ingredients. This delicious-tasting formula is beneficial to maintaining healthy eyes and surrounding tissues.

  • Lutein -- Essential for maintaing the health of the macula, and may protect against peroxidation of the fatty acids in the photoreceptor membrane
  • Zeaxanthin -- May help to prevent photodamage of the retina by filtering out blue light which can damage the retina over time
  • Both Lutein and Zeaxanthin are compounds found in the macula. Preventing degeneration of these compounds can help reduce the risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  • Lycopene -- Lycopene is a natural carotenoid (Vitamin A) compound, and is a proven anti-oxidant that may help to effectively reduce the risks associated with exposure to ultra-violet light
  • Blueberry -- A relative of Bilberry, Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which can help to neutralize free radical damage to the collagen matrix of cells
  • Bilberry -- A relative of Blueberries, Bilberry has been shown to improve nighttime visual acuity
  • Carrot -- Contains high levels of Beta-carotene which once converted to Vitamin A by the liver, travels to the retina where it is transformed into rhodopsin, the purple pigment necessary for night vision
    Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant

This dynamic blend of unique ingredients synergizes to create a powerful cocktail that not only supplements vision and eye health, but helps to restore and revitalize all the cells in the body.

UPC: 790223100471

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