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Enzymatic Therapy alpha betic Cinnamon Plus Chromium and Biotin 60 Caps
PRICE: $11.01
Why should people with diabetes use a supplement?

The right combination of ingredients can provide benefits†

Studies show that people with diabetes can use supplementation to maintain proper levels of micronutrients.†

Why take alpha betic Cinnamon Chromium and Biotin?

It provides convenient nutritional support for diabetics† 

This high-potency formula provides clinical levels of 1,000 mg  of cinnamon, 600 mcg  of chromium, and 300 mcg of biotin. Having all three nutrients makes it convenient and more cost effective than single ingredient products.

It’s professionally reviewed and recommended†

alpha betic formulas are specially balanced to meet the nutritional needs of diabetics. As part of a healthy diet, they are recommended by doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists and diabetes educators as an effective way to promote good health and well-being.

UPC: 20065600243

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