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Futurebiotics Shark Cartilage 750mg 100 caps
PRICE: $16.22

100% Pure

Contains Protein and Mucopolysaccharides

  • 40% Protein
  • 12% Mucopolysaccharides
  • 100% pure - no additives or fillers

The shark is one of the most remarkable creatures on the face of the earth. Existing virtually unchanged for millions of years, sharks are unique in that they have a natural immunity to almost every disease known to man. Sharks are the only animal with a skeleton comprised entirely of cartilage which accounts for between 6 and 8% of its body weight. Researchers theorize it is the shark's cartilage skeleton which greatly contributes to this superior immunity.

Early research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows the therapeutic value of the protein found in shark cartilage. Futurebiotics Shark Cartilage supplement provides 40% protein from pure shark cartilage powder. Shark cartilage also contains a family of complex carbohydrates called mucopolysaccharides, which includes chondroitin sulfates. Mucopolysaccharides are important compounds that help give structure to connective tissue such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments and support the immune system. Futurebiotics Shark Cartilage supplies 12% naturally-occurring mucopolysaccharides per capsule. Supplementing the diet with naturally-derived mucopolysaccharides may be more effective than synthetically refined mucopolysaccharides.

Futurebiotics Shark Cartilage utilizes 100% pure, unbleached shark cartilage powder. There are no additives or fillers added to the shark cartilage powder and no fillers or binders are added during the supplement manufacturing (encapsulation) process. Glass packaging extends natural freshness and helps maintain product potency.

Directions: As a dietary supplement for adults, take 9 capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Daily dose may be divided and taken throughout the day.

Caution: Not for use if pregnant or nursing, recovering from a heart-circulatory condition, or have had surgery within a month's time.

Keep out of reach of children.

Contains no added yeast, sugar, salt, starch, corn, soy, wheat, gluten, dairy, artificial colors or preservatives. Contains fish (shark). 

UPC: 049479001798

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