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Futurebiotics EstroComfort 56 caps TEMPORARELY UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $12.97

menopausal balancing complex

clinically proven nutrients for hot flashes + night sweats*

  • SoyLife¨ - Clinically studied isoflavones that help reduce hot flashes and night sweats*
  • Black Cohosh extract - Clinically shown to improve menopause symptoms*
  • L-Theanine - Helps relieve emotional stress and induce relaxation*

Menopause occurs when the ovaries gradually lose their ability to produce the hormones that govern menstrual cycles. These decreased levels of hormones can trigger a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. EstroComfortTM is an all-natural phytoestrogen supplement fortified with L-Theanine designed to offer a nutritional alternative and help reduce menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats.*

SoyLife¨ 40% is a soy germ extract, standardized to contain 40% isoflavones. It is produced from specially selected whole soy germ; unlike some soy isoflavones that are extracted from hexane-derived soy molasses. It contains the preferred isoflavone profile of 15:50:35 for the active constituents genistein:daidzein:glycitein. SoyLife¨ has been clinically studied and shown to help reduce hot flashes and night sweats.

Black Cohosh extract, standardized to contain 2.5% triterpene glycosides as 27-deoxyactein, has been used in Europe for many years, and helps treat the symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, nervousness and irritability.

L-Theanine is a non-protein amino acid that research suggests may induce relaxation and relieve emotional stress without drowsiness. EstroComfortTM is further enhanced with cardioprotective essential B vitamins and a calming herb compound of Magnolia bark and Date fruit extracts. In addition, whole unextracted Black Cohosh root and Soy provide all the natural co-factors that nature created.

EstroComfortTM is potency-enhanced with Futurebiotics BioAcceleratorsTM. Clinically-proven Bioperine¨  (Piper nigrum extract) improves nutrient bioavailability, while our proprietary natural compound of Ginger extract, Trikatu, super-potent Digezyme¨  and Lactospore¨  boosts digestion and absorption.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules daily, preferably with meals.

Caution: Consult your healthcare professional before taking L-Theanine if you use any prescription drugs or before giving to children. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.

EstroComfortTM - taking inspiration from Nature. This 100% vegetarian product has an aromatic botanical essence added, along with natural whole plant co-factors including Black Cohosh root, Dong Quai root and Soy. Glass packaging extends natural freshness and helps maintain potency.

Contains absolutely no added yeast, sugar, salt, starch, corn, wheat, gluten, dairy, artificial colors or preservatives. Contains Soy.

Keep out of reach of children.

  Registered trademarks of Sabinsa Corp.; SoyLife¨ is a registered trademark of Acatris, Inc.

UPC: 049479025145

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