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Fizogen - Mass Cycle 2.3 lbs
PRICE: $47.95
Manufacturer's Statement:

PICK A FIGHT WITH THE BIGGEST, BADDEST MUSCLE-BUILDING PRODUCT EVER INVENTED... AND SIMPLY GET YOUR MASS KICKED IN! POWERFUL POST-WORKOUT FORMULA! Welcome to a new world of MASS KICKING power! A stunning breakthrough that will unleash pure MASS on you like nothing ever before! MASS CYCLE initiates the bombardment with our patent pending MASS EXPLODING technology, which penetrates your muscle cells with an unprecedented rushing impact of cell swelling creatine esters and anabolic orotic acid! This enormous deluge forces muscle cells to virtually EXPLODE with RAW INHUMAN SIZE! Our unrelenting BULK-ONSLAUGHT technology with GLUTAMINE ESTERS then takes over and literally transforms the consistency of your muscle tissue into a FREAKY level of swollen hardness that can only be described as "STEEL-LIKE!" Next, NUKE-CENTRIFUSE initiates powerful DNA & RNA fueling technologies that incite the rapid production of new code to fill up all of your newly swollen MASS with bona fide dense tissue and not just temporary water weight gain! Lastly, CELL-SHOCK technology will further inflate and drive nutrients into muscle with mindblowing speed and efficiency! Get ready to experience pure growth from your workouts like nothing you have ever seen before! GET READY TO GET BIG... TO GET SWOLE... GET MASS!

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