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Himilaya Institute - Chyawanprash 1.1 Lb
PRICE: $9.74
A Traditional Ayurvedic tonic for antioxidant support, stress reduction & rejuvenation* Chyawanprash is complex herbal formula that has a jam like consistency and a history of use as a tonic and strong rejuvenator for more than 2,000 years. The combination of the 36 selected herbs and fruits along with 4 food ingredients in this nutritionally rich tonic has traditionally been used to enhance general health, increase mental and physical energy, and support the body's natural resistance to disease. The principle herb in Chyawanprash, Amla fruit (Amalaki) is one of the worlds most concentrated sources of naturally occurring Vitamin C, and works synergistically with the other carefully selected ingredients to create a powerful and effective rejuvenating tonic and antioxidant. Regular consumption of Chyawanprash is believed to rejuvenate and fortify both the mind and body and is beneficial to people of all ages and constitutions.

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