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PRICE: $32.49
CE2 represents the most advanced creatine ever conceived. It's the "athlete's creatine." This revolutionary pro-creatine ester technology is specifically designed to ramp up your "total performance" level in ways previously considered impossible. With CE2, you get far greater strength, lightening-fast "between-set" recoveries (seconds, not minutes), and laser-like intensity. You get what's known as the "Supra-Physiological" workout. And for the first time, you have total control of the "timing" of maximum effectiveness... Thanks to Ester-Tech, CE2's Rapid-Diffusion Delivery Technology, CE2 absorbs within minutes, as opposed to hours with regular creatine. You can now concentrate the full force of CE2 into your specific training time. Simply put, take CE2 and you're only moments away from re-charging ATP and getting machine gun-like intra-muscular energy blasts. You can finally start - and finish - your workouts with a bang, not a whimper. And here's the best part. Users of CE2 report pushing past sticking points, gaining lean mass faster, while never mentioning edema (unwanted water retention that smoothes out muscular definition). What's more, in a pilot study, subjects taking CE2 dropped 2.2 percentage points of body fat (14% to 11.8) in just 6 weeks. That means with CE2, you can finally achieve the bigger, stronger, leaner physique you've always wanted - fast! And do it without side effects!

UPC: 633012700004

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