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Navitas Organics - Sprouted Omega Blend - Chia Seed|Brown Rice|Flaxseed 8 oz
PRICE: $7.14

Sprouted Omegas

Our Sprouted Omega Twister is made from some of natureÕs finest seeds: sprouted chia, sprouted flax, and sprouted brown rice Ð providing natural and plant-based essential fatty acids and fiber. Essential fatty acids (Omega 3,6, and 9) have a wide range of health benefits, including supporting a strong cardiovascular system and enhancing the immune system. Additionally, sprouting these seeds greatly enhances their nutritional profile and bioavailability of vitamins, minerals, protein, beneficial enzymes, and amino acids. Include a scoop of this blend into your next smoothie to supply your body with the healthy fats and nutrients it craves.

Source and Processing

Always handling our ingredients with care to ensure maximum nutritional benefits, our products are of the highest quality, sourced directly from farmers, and cultivated sustainably while in accordance with fair trade practices. This bag contains chia seed, flaxseed, and brown rice powders that are sprouted, certified organic, vegan, kosher, gluten-free, and raw.

UPC: 858847000314

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