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Champion Nutrition Glutamine Power 454Gm
PRICE: $25.97


Research confirms what many in sports nutrition have believed for so long: L-glutamine is essential for protein synthesis, immune function, gastrointestinal health and recovery. Multiple scientific studies suggests that by taking supplemental L-glutamine, you can help your body prevent muscle protein loss due to intense stress or exercise.

Additionally, studies have found that consuming supplemental L-glutamine stimulates the release of growth hormone, volumizes your muscle cells and helps control toxic ammonia.

What's more, L-glutamine works in the gut helping to increase the absorption of other nutrients, such as creatine, potentially making them more effective.

CHAMPION NUTRITION's Power Glutamine contains only HPLC-grade 100% pure L-glutamineÑthe type used in clinical studies. It is virtually tasteless and mixes quickly and easily into protein drinks or other beverages.

UPC: 027692116604

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