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Champion Nutrition Wipe-Out 120 Caps
PRICE: $32.47

WipeOutª delivers an innovative 4-Stage process of burning fat and re-charging your metabolism. The ingredients in WipeOutª have been shown to transport fat out of fat cells and into muscle cells where it can be burned away! Its unique combination will raise your metabolism and boost your energy to maximize fat burning and deliver real weight loss results.

WipeOutª is the most complete weight loss product that not only reduces body fat, but also supports improved energy, mood, and mental focus caused by the stress and fatigue of dieting. Fueled by ThermaSineª a proprietary compound used only in WipeOutª, it contains the bonded ingredients Carnitine, Lysine, and Fumarate that are taken into cells simultaneously where powering and maintaining maximum fat burning is achieved.

4-Stage Fat Burner

  • Stage 1 - Caffeine - acts directly on adipose fat tissue by interacting with receptors and allowing Free Fatty Acids release from the cells. White Willow Bark contains Salycin which reduces the enzyme PGE2 levels. PGE2 inhibits triglyceride release by blocking the action of things that stimulate lipid release such as caffeine.
  • Stage 2 - Theobromine HCL & Citrus Aurantium - assists with converting of triglycerides to fatty acids + glycerol and transports them into the muscle cell.
  • Stage 3 - Carnitine - the only nutrient that can transport fat to the part of the cell that burns it, the mitochondria. Lysine enables the synthesis of carnitine and results in the conversion of fatty acids to energy.
  • Stage 4 - Fumarate - assists with metabolizing fatty acids in the mitochondria Krebs Cycle, our bodies "cellular furnace."

3 Powerful Stack Blend Functions

Thermogenesis Stack - Lysine, Carnitine, Fumarate, Theobromine, Citrus Aurantium, Cayenne, 7-Keto DHEA

The process of heat production by increasing the body's metabolism, thereby increasing its core temperature. Greater amounts of thermogenesis boost the body's metabolic rate which increases the conversion of stored fat into energy.

ECA Stack - Green Tea Extract (EGCG), Caffeine, White Willow Bark (Aspirin)

The three parts of the new ECA stack work together to prevent neurological down-regulation during intense training and dieting.

Mood and Focus Support - DMAE

Helps maintain levels of brain hormones normally depleted by dieting.

Key Ingredient:

7-Keto DHEA

Produces fat loss through the process of thermogenesis and enhances the activity of three thermogenic enzymes that stimulate fatty acid oxidation in the liver.  

UPC: 027692203014

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