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Enzymatic Therapy EstroBalance* 30 tabs
PRICE: $13.34
EstroBalance women's formula is a safe, natural formula containing DIM from Indolplex. For DIM (diindolylmethane) to affect hormone balance, it must be specially processed, so this unique formula is designed for easy absorption by the body. You'd have to eat at least two pounds of raw broccoli to obtain the benefits of DIM that you receive from just one daily dose of EstroBalance! Hormone levels affect your body in many ways resulting in: fatigue, menstrual cramps, mood swings, difficulty losing weight, and occasional PMS. EstroBalance with DIM promotes:Natural support for estrogen balance and efficient fat metabolismBreast wellness and healthy cell developmentMany women today have high estrogen levels due to stress, diet and environmental exposure to estrogen-like materials. These high levels, known as estrogen dominance, can disrupt the estrogen-progesterone ratio, which increases your need for hormone balance.

UPC: 763948053339

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