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Liquid Health - Vitamin D3-OUT OF STOCK
PRICE: $15.99
Liquid Health™ Drops Vitamin D3 Makes Supplementation Simple

• Each mililiter contains 1000 iu of Vitamin D3 suspended in ActivAloe® pure aloe vera juice.

• Liquid Health D3 drops can easily be added to liquid and are ideal for children and those who cant swallow pills.

American Academy of Pediatricians Recommendations - In 2008 the AAP doubled the daily recommended intake of vitamin D for children and infants to 400 iu. The AAP also recommended Vitamin D liquid drop supplementation for breastfeeding infants and children who drink less than a quart of milk per day.*

D3 has Higher Bioavailibility than D2 - Several studies show that the natural form of Vitamin D3 outperforms D2 in long term Vitamin D levels and bioavailibility. This is particularly true as we age and our ability to metabolize D2 is dramatically reduced. Vitamin D3 metabolism remains unaffected by age.

Healthy Bones and More - Vitamin D was once known as simply a bone builder because it works with calcium to help keep our bones strong, but emerging research suggests vitamin D may be far more versatile, offering an array of wellness benefits including immune support, cardiovascular protection, and healthy aging.

Winter Months and Sunlight - Our bodies can make vitamin D from the sun, but you can’t always count on it to supply what you need - especially in the winter or if you wear sunscreen. In some climates winter sun is insufficient for vitamin D synthesis up to 6 months of the year. Even in sunny climates such as Florida, studies have shown 40% of the elderly population are vitamin D deficient.

*Feb 2009 American Academy of Pediatricians Handout on Vitamin D Deficiency

UPC: 765462000226

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