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Natren - Healthy Trinity,Dairy/Fr 60 CAP
PRICE: $71.47
Healthy Trinity provides 30 billion colony forming units (cfu) of effective beneficial bacteria per capsule to enhance digestion, improve nutrient absorption, stimulate proper elimination and maximize your immune function.

These exceptional probiotic super strains are also found in NatrenÕs Healthy Start System¨ of powders or capsules and, individually, in Megadophilus¨, Bifido Factor¨ and Digesta-Lac¨.

The guaranteed potency and benefits of NatrenÕs super strains are not available from any other probiotic in the world.

Only Natren¨ uses a unique oil matrix system that micro-enrobes three super strains of beneficial bacteria, keeping them separated, noncompetitive and protected from the stomachÕs gastric juices.

Healthy Trinity works to support your entire gastrointestinal (GI) system:

  • Discourages attachment of undesirable bacteria in the GI tract.

  • Produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which research has proven will inhibit yeast and bacteria.

  • Helps alleviate occasional gas, bloating and upper GI problems.

  • Produces organic acids that promote normal elimination.

  • Enhances digestion of dairy products by assisting lactose metabolism.

  • Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels.

  • Assists digestion of complex carbohydrates and proteins.

  • Produces B vitamins and enhances absorption of calcium and other minerals.

  • Potency guaranteed through printed expiration date.

  • Researched, formulated and manufactured only by Natren.



DAIRY FREE Ð Three-in-one Oil Matrix System within a Gelatin Capsule

PROBIOTIC STRAINS USED: 1 capsule contains:

Lactobacillus acidophilus , NAS  5 billion cfu

Bifidobacterium bifidum , Malyoth  20 billion cfu

Lactobacillus bulgaricus , LB-51  5 billion cfu

SIZES: 14 capsule bottle*, 30 capsule bottle, 60 capsule bottle and 90 capsule bottle

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