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Navitas Organics - Mulberries 16 oz Temp Unavailable
PRICE: $12.99

Organically Sweet Turkish Gem

Turkish mulberries have been considered a precious fruit for thousands of years due to their incredible taste. A bit like a dried fig in flavor and chewy crunch, these sweet treats are an amazing snack on their own, and are also a special substitute for raisins in granola, pancakes, smoothies, and baked goods. Apart from their great taste, Navitas Naturals Mulberries offer an incredible display of nutrition as well: including high levels of iron, calcium, vitamin C, protein, and fiber. Plus, as one of the few natural foods containing Resveratrol (the Òanti-agingÓ component in red wine grapes), mulberries serve as a true power food.

Source and Processing

Navitas Naturals Mulberries are organically grown in the fertile plains of Turkey, where they have been sustainably harvested for thousands of years. In keeping with tradition, the fruit is shaken from the tree and premium berries are selected. Then, the berries are naturally sun-dried to an ideal moisture level below 15% to obtain perfect texture. Navitas Naturals offers whole white Turkish mulberries that are 100% organic, raw, kosher, gluten-free, vegan, and contain no preservatives.

UPC: 858847000857

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