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Topricin Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Cream 2 oz
PRICE: $11.02
Topricin® is used to relieve inflammation and pain, and as a healing treatment for soft tissue and trauma injuries.
Topricin's patented combination of natural medicines is formulated to provide an array of benefits. Each ingredient passes through rigorous quality control procedure to ensure strength and purity. These superior ingredients effect their action while concurrently conditioning and moisturizing your skin.

  • Directions

    Directions: Topricin does not work like other topical medications you might have used, so it is important to follow the directions. You should not expect a burning, hot, or icy sensation upon application. Instead, the application will seem soothing and moisturizing, and in about 20 minutes you should notice the medicine's subtle but powerful pain relief effects.
    In our experience, Topricin produces noticeable improvements and/or healing of various conditions when used on an ongoing basis, and applied according to these instructions. While you will note a rapid reduction in pain at the outset of application, Topricin provides other important benefits if you continue to consistently use the cream.
    Some of Topricin's medicines are formulated for ongoing use, requiring months or years of cumulative application to effect true healing and help maintain good health. For longer-term conditions such as Arthritis, we recommend using Topricin for a period of three months and applying the cream four times a day. After the initial period, we suggest continuing with a maintenance dose application two times a day, in the morning and at night before bed.

    UPC: 609863020028

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