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Enzymatic Therapy Krebs Cycle Chelates 100 tabs TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $15.49
Krebs Cycle Chelates are a scientifically balanced combination of major and trace minerals, including boron, chelated to the Krebs cycle intermediates. The Krebs cycle intermediates are a unique chain of five organic acids: citrate, fumarate, malate, succinate, and alpha ketoglutarate. Minerals chelated (bound) to these intermediates are readily absorbed and utilized by the body. Here are some reasons why:The Krebs cycle is the final common pathway for converting carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into chemical energy.Krebs cycle intermediates can bind (chelate) two or three mineral molecules for every one of their own molecules.Krebs cycle intermediates are easily ionized. This enhances the absorption of minerals to which they are bound by increasing the amount of ionized minerals in the intestinal tract.The body uses about 95% of the Krebs cycle intermediates in energy production. These qualities make Krebs Cycle Chelates one of the best supplemental mineral formulas available.

UPC: 763948077519

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