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Kroeger Herb Products Circu Flow 270 vegicap
PRICE: $22.74
  • Helps Maintain cardiovascular function and healthy circulatory system.
  • A One Month Program
  • Dietary Supplement
  • CircuFlow dietary supplement has an impressive combination of ingredients associated with a healthy heart and arteries, in the perfect balance for optimal efficacy.

    • Hawthorn Berries Keep arteries pliable, clear from plaque and free flowing, maintains lower cholesterol and strong, steady heartbeats.
    • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) - contains silica which is necessary for maintaining flexible arterial walls.
    • Chromium Lowers cholesterol levels while improving the ratio of the "good" cholesterol to the "bad".
    • Selenium Deficiencies in Selenium are associated with elevated cholesterol levels.
    • Vitamin C Protects capillary integrity and helps lower cholesterol.
    • Taurine Essential to properly metabolize sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
    • Arginine Helps restore healthy function to blood vessels.

    Kroeger Herb Products Co. Inc., "The Heart of Herbal Health"

    Since 1985, CircuFlow has continued to be a leading supplement due to its significant effects on maintaining healthy circulation.

    Hawthorn, the first ingredient in CircuFlow, has a long history of usage for helping the heart and arteries. Due to traditional use and modern research on hawthorn's effects, it is the most frequently recommended treatment for heart conditions in Germany, Switzerland and France.

    Master herbalist Hanna Kroeger developed this formula after decades of working closely with thousands of people's health needs using natural methods.

    UPC: 696916100158

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