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Quantum - MagiComb Lice Remover 1 unit-UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $31.19

MagiComb - The 21st Century Electronic Head Lice Remedy

MagiComb is a revolutionary, internationally patented combing tool made of durable, high-impact plastic. MagiComb has two sets of side by side vibrating teeth that glide gently through all types of hair. By vibrating in opposite directions, the vibro-teeth pull even the smallest lice and nits off the hair and scalp and will not pierce the skin or pull the hair. It will get rid of lice and nits quickly, easily, safely and permanently. MagiComb's teeth easily pull out of the device for quick cleaning and re-use.

The quiet micro-motor inside the MagiComb will not burn out even when combing the thickest hair. MagiComb operates on two standard C type batteries. Owning a MagiComb is like have an insurance policy against infestation. ItŐs truly a Hi Tech head lice remedy.

MagiComb Can Help Prevent Head Lice Infestations.

This incredible head lice remedy technology can actually prevent infestations! By using MagiComb once a week, nits and lice can be removed before the infestation becomes evident. Extra sets of teeth are available for treating several children at a time. Simply soak one set of teeth in hot soapy water or alcohol while using the second set. Be sure the teeth are dry before reusing.

UPC: 046985107327

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