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Sonnes Wheat Germ Oil #3 120 CAP-OUT OF STOCK
PRICE: $18.95
Essential Unsaturated Fatty Acids of Flaxseed Oil

Our Wheat Germ Oil capsules contain 73% wheat germ oil, an excellent source of the natural vitamin E complex; and 27% flaxseed oil, a rich source of unsaturated, essential fatty acids: linoleic and linolenic (omega-6 and omega-3). Vitamin E is an essential dietary component that is necessary for antioxidant activity in membranes. It regenerates other cellular antioxidants (i.e. selenium and glutathione) after they become oxidized.* The essential fatty acids also must be obtained in the diet, and are precursors for many hormones and metabolically active compounds. Light, oxygen and high temperatures destroy vitamin E and fatty acids very rapidly. Therefore, the wheat germ and flax seed are pressed at a low temperature in the absence of light and oxygen. The oil is then encapsulated in a bovine gelatin capsule for protection and easy consumption.

The natural vitamin E in our foods is destroyed during cooking and processing due to heat, light, air and freezing. Grains lose up to 80% of their vitamin E content when milled. Commercially processed vegetable oils are low in vitamin E. It has become quite clear that there is a need for natural vitamin.

UPC: 797311031204

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