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Supreme Protein Bar Rocky Road Brownie Carb Conscious 12 Bars/Box TEMPORARELY UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $26.95

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better!

Some treats are just too good to share. Supreme ProteinŽ has just set the bar a little further out of reach for the competition with the introduction of the amazing new Rocky Road Brownie bar. This taste sensation is packed with the same rich nutrition and flavor you've grown to expect in a Supreme bar. In fact, those who have already tried it still can't believe something that tastes this good is also a serious nutritional super-food.

Well, the proof is in the protein. Thirty grams of a high-quality amino-packed protein blend, power driven by premium whey isolate, plus healthy fats, including flaxseed oil, essential vitamins and minerals and zero trans fat. We're talking about a fine-tuned, muscle-building machine here, with a fistful of gourmet taste in every bite.

Just like the award winning Caramel Nut Chocolate and the amazing Peanut Butter Crunch, new Rocky Road Brownie delivers more anabolic power and over-the-top flavor than any other bar on the market. Take your taste buds for a test drive and try one today.

UPC: 639372021735

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