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Real Food - Food Form Boron 60 Tabs-UNAVAILABLE
PRICE: $19.00
* Supports Bone Strength
* Supports Healthy Energy Levels
* Supports Joint Mobility and may even be better than Glucosamine
* Supports Connective Tissue

A decline in the consumption of fruits and vegetables has been directly linked to the deficiency of many trace minerals. Statistics show that a large percentage of North Americans consume fewer than three servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. Combine these facts with improper farming practices and soil erosion; we have become extremely deficient in vital minerals necessary for a healthy existence. The most notable of these mineral complexes is calcium fructoborate.

Calcium fructoborate is most commonly found in fresh fruits and vegetables. The calcium fructoborate (FruiteX BŪ) used in Country Life's Food Form Mineral Complex has recently been shown in reputable counts of research to have numerous and extraordinary benefits to the body. FruiteX BŪ (calcium fructoborate) is an extremely bioavailable mineral complex that is patented and proven to be bioequivalent to the form found in fruits and vegetables. FruiteX BŪ (calcium fructoborate) has been clinically proven to:

* Support joint mobility even better than Glucosamine
* Support increased vitamin D3 levels
* Support pain reduction
* Support sex hormone regulation (DHEA, Testosterone, Estrogen)
* Support anti-aging
* Support healthy bone structure**

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