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Frontier Premium Nutritional Yeast Flakes 3.6 oz.
PRICE: $7.27
Frontier Co-op¨ Premium Nutritional Yeast has a robust umami flavor that is nutty and cheesy Ñ a versatile pantry staple as a cheese substitute or seasoning for snacks, veggies and sides. Or, add flavor to your go-to veggie or chip dip and creamy sauce recipes. Delicious and a good source of B vitamins Ñ you don't have to be vegan or dairy-free to love nutritional yeast. This is a primary grown nutritional yeast from pure strains of Saccharomyces cerevis¾, cultivated on a beet molasses substrate and is Non-GMO Project Verified. To create these flavorful flakes, the yeast is harvested, washed, pasteurized and dried with heat to "deactivate" it. Because it's inactive, it doesn't act as a leavening agent like baking yeast. Instead, it adds creamy texture as a cheese substitute or pungent nutty taste to recipes and snacks.

UPC: 089836195906

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