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Garden of Life - Perfect Food Berry 240g/ 30 servings
PRICE: $23.40

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Perfect Food?

Berry Super Green Fruit & Veggie Formula Powder

Perfect Food Berry Super Green Fruit & Veggie Formula was created as an option for green drink lovers who wish to consume fruits and veggies all in one superfood drink. Packed with 49 phytonutrient-dense superfoods and 12 sprouted ingredients, Perfect Food Berry Super Green Fruit & Veggie Formula adds great value to a healthy diet or supplement program. Perfect Food Berry is different from the other Perfect Food formulas in that it includes an additional Whole Food Antioxidant blend that contains 5 freeze-dried whole fruits: strawberry, tart cherry, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry, in addition to acerola cherry and citrus bioflavonoids.

Why Perfect Food Berry

Perfect Food Berry Super Green Fruit & Veggie Formula is made with 49 nutrient-rich and whole food based ingredients to ensure your body receives the nutritional benefits of fruits and vegetables. Providing 4,340mg of greens per serving, Perfect Food Berry supplement contains 21 vegetable juices, 12 fermented sprouted grains and legumes, 8 marine plants, and 7 fruits and berries, 5 of which have been freeze-dried to maintain nutrient delivery and fresh taste. An excellent source of natural antioxidants including vitamins A and C, Perfect Food Berry features a fruit blend of strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry and tart cherry that contributes to an ORAC value of 2,000 TE per serving, approximately 20% of the antioxidant value of a healthy diet with the daily recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. In addition, Perfect Food Berry includes a Protein Mineral Matrix of spirulina, chlorella and other marine superfoods, and delivers one billion? live cell count per serving, with 10 probiotic strains to support digestive health.? Select ingredients are produced through the Garden of Life proprietary Poten-Zyme? fermentation process to make the nutrients more available to the body.

Perfect Food Berry Benefits

  • 4,340mg of greens per serving from 49 phytonutrient-dense superfoods and 12 sprouted ingredients?
  • Antioxidants?ORAC value of 2,000 TE per serving?
  • An ideal product for those who don?t get enough green foods?
  • One billion? live cell count per serving, with 10 probiotic strains to support healthy digestion?
  • No Artificial Colors, Flavors or Preservatives
  • Vegetarian

Perfect Food Berry?a whole food supplement blend with more greens per serving than other green food formulas.

? CFU count per serving at time of manufacture

UPC: 658010112857

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